- https://www.acl.gov/programs/support-caregivers/national-family-caregiver-support-program – The National Family Caregiver Support Program is part of the Administration for Community Living. This webpage features additional resources for caregivers.
- http://www.caregiveraction.org – The Caregiver Action Network is an organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.
- http://www.caregiving.org – The National Alliance for Caregiving’s mission is to advance family caregiving and improve the quality of life for families and their care recipients through research, innovation, and advocacy.
- https://www.caregiver.org – The Family Caregiver Alliance supports and sustains the important work of families who care for adult loved ones with chronic, disabling health conditions.
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