
Our Team

Shehpar Khan, MD, Top Kidney Doctor

I chose a convoluted route to medicine. The myriad of career options intrigued me because doctors faced the challenging and interesting task of successfully mending hay-wired organs, which garnered my early interests in medicine. Now, I really enjoy the prospects for greater innovations in the field of nephrology within my lifetime that I can strive to be a part of.

The best thing about DRG is the emphasis on longitudinal care in out-patient practice. This emphasis establishes a long-term relationship between the physician and patient, which is an essential part of health care for positive outcomes. My biggest accomplishment is when my patients understand their disease and are eager to learn and take on challenges to make healthy choices. The result is always rewarding.

My philosophy of care is to treat my patient as a whole not merely an organ. I tend not to neglect their psychological, emotional and social needs while providing therapeutic options.