I enjoy helping others! As a patient with a chronic illness myself, I was motivated in my younger years to help others with their chronic medical conditions, which then inspired me to enter a career in medicine. I also have a passion for teaching and spend half of my time representing Dallas Renal Group as a physician coach for medical students at TCU/UNT medical school in Ft. Worth.
I love practicing at Dallas Renal Group because the physicians and staff truly provide personal empathetic care to their patients. Dallas Renal Group is an organization that is innovative and provides comprehensive kidney care, including Kidney Research, Vascular Access, Home Dialysis, and Transplantation. We not only provide education to patients with Kidney Disease, but we also have created a radio show platform (doctalklive.com) to help educate the community in all aspects of Medicine.
I am a passionate physician who truly advocates for my patients’ wellbeing! I also believe in creating innovative ways to educate the community on health and improve healthcare delivery! I currently spend a significant amount of time volunteering for several physician leadership roles and community health education programs. I currently serve as Chair of Medicine at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center and Medical Director of the Inpatient Acute Dialysis Program for several hospitals in the DFW Mid-Cities.